The basics
Married for over 30 years and father of two, Steve Baird is a sixth generation Californian from the gold rush days in Nevada City. In the 1860’s, his grand sires ran the “boarding” house at the end of Broad Street. He has his bachelors in Computer Science from the University of Idaho and an MBA in Financial Management from National University.
As a politician
He basically sucked. Unschooled in the political stream, he ran as a Republican in a conservative district against an incumbent. Obviously not too bright. But, all that will change, as he is now a Democrat willing to make another run at the same district.

As an author
A history buff and news junkie, he began his research into the political inner workings of both the predominate political parties in California.
What he learned was truly astonishing and is now available to all of you. The core platforms of the Democrat Party untold like never before. The most taboo subjects are flayed wide open for all to see in this stunning tell all uncovering the darkest secrets of the party of Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama.